Elevated Parish Missions

Igniting hearts.
Reviving parishes.

ELEVATED Parish Missions

Everyone desires a life with purpose, joy, and peace. At Elevated Parish Missions, we are called to help others discover that such true happiness can only be found in God's love in the heart of His Church.

With 20 years of combined experience working for the world's largest Catholic conference ministry, our goal is to assist individuals in deeply encountering the Lord and in elevating parishes from surviving to thriving, from being in maintenance to going on mission. Let Elevated Parish Missions accompany you on this journey, as together we bridge hearts to Christ!

Brian Hough              Martin Watjen
COO                           CEO

ELEVATED Parish Missions

Everyone desires a life with purpose, joy, and peace. At Elevated Parish Missions, we are called to help others discover that such true happiness can only be found in God's love in the heart of His Church.

With 20 years of combined experience working for the world's largest Catholic conference ministry, our goal is to assist individuals in deeply encountering the Lord and in elevating parishes from surviving to thriving, from being in maintenance to going on mission. Let Elevated Parish Missions accompany you on this journey, as together we bridge hearts to Christ!

Brian Hough              Martin Watjen
COO                           CEO

Ready to chat? We're Here.

Our Difference

Transforming lives. Transforming parishes.

While people may be inspired in the short-term by a dynamic speaker at a typical parish mission, they are often left with a “Now what?” And there is no lasting impact on parish life.

Elevated Parish Missions uses a proven model that incorporates powerful preaching, worship, and Eucharistic adoration to awaken faith and renew hearts. But added to this is our post-mission follow-up that empowers participants to accompany each other as disciples. Elevated Parish Missions move participants beyond their own spiritual renewal. It is designed for spiritual multiplication!

From Surviving to Thriving.

What You Can Look Forward To:

Starting four to six months in advance of scheduled mission, our team works with your parish to plan the mission, providing:

  • Information regarding roles\duties, logistical details, and related timelines.
  • Accompaniment in the spiritual formation of your parish core team. 
  • Ready-to-use promotional resources and related marketing strategies to get the word out. 

  • Led by a renowned Catholic speaker, dynamic worship leader, and an on-site program director to ensure the mission’s success. 
  • Includes inspiring worship music, reverent adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, and powerful messages about God’s transformative love and life in the Holy Spirit.

  • We provide consultation and resources:
  • To form parishioners as disciples through authentic community, ongoing growth and transformation, and accompaniment.
  • To equip parishioners to form other disciples.

Frequently Asked Questions

The focus of an Elevated Parish Mission is to bring people into a transforming encounter with the unconditional love of Jesus Christ and to call them to live a life-long journey as His disciples. Powerful preaching, worship, and Eucharistic Adoration, awaken faith and renew hearts, leaving participants empowered and ready to deepen their relationship with Jesus and accompany others on their spiritual journey as disciples.

The process of an Elevated Parish Mission includes: 

  • A 4-6 month preparation phase where our team works with your parish to help ensure the mission is a success. This includes, not only the logistical steps necessary in planning the mission; but, it also includes accompaniment in the spiritual formation of your parish core team.
  • The 3-day mission is led by an engaging speaker and a dynamic worship leader. We also provide an on-site program director to ensure the mission’s success.


A follow-up plan with resources that help to:  

  • Form parishioners as disciples through authentic community, ongoing growth and transformation, and accompaniment.
  • Equip parishioners for the mission of helping others become disciples. 

An Elevated Parish Mission is unlike other parish mission offerings! We provide:

  • “Ready to use” promotional resources and related marketing strategies
  • 4-6 month “pre-mission” fully-collaborative planning process
  • Nationally renowned Catholic speakers
  • Inspiring worship music
  • On-site parish mission coordinator
  • Engaging Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
  • Powerful messaging about God’s transformative love and life in the Holy Spirit
  • A “post-mission” follow-up plan, including the implementation of a process for discipleship formation

These events are offered any time throughout the year. Due to the 4-6 month preparation phase prior to the Mission, it is highly recommended that parishes contact us a minimum of 8 months prior to the desired event date.

An Elevated Parish Mission is structured in such a way so as to ensure the greatest attendance and impact from the event, yet result in a minimal financial outlay from the parish. To discuss the related details further, please click here to setup an appointment with someone from our team.

Together, we can bridge hearts to Christ and build vibrant, faith-filled communities.

"When I am lifted up, I will draw all to Myself."

John 12:32

Our Impact.

Don’t take our word for it. Hear from those who have participated in an Elevated Parish Mission.
“I've been a priest for 27 years, and I've seen plenty of good missions and prayerful events in churches. But nothing prepared me for our Elevated Parish Mission (EPM). Hearts and voices swelled as John Paul led us in simple songs that were just prayers calling on the Lord's power and love. The crowd increased each night, with everyone young and old on fire with holy desire as they listened to the speaker. The spotlight shining on our Lord in the Eucharistic procession in the otherwise dark church embodied EPM's goal-- encountering Love and peace in Jesus who overpowers darkness. EPM staff walked us through the organizing end so clearly and prayerfully that the mission came off without a hitch. Pastors and parishioners, I promise you that an Elevated Parish Mission will light a fire in your congregation that will surprise you. It made me love being a priest even more..”
Fr. Eric Berns
St. Patrick, Pastor | Sparta, WI
Elevated Parish Missions had a huge impact on our parish community, way beyond the three days of the mission.  What words and music could not accomplish, Eucharistic adoration each evening did, bringing the presence and healing of Christ to our people. We are still hearing of the miracles that happened one year later.
Fr. Patrick Moses
St. Timothy, Pastor | Laguna Niguel, CA
"During the meetings, you were able to form us as a team and as better Christians. Your prayerful witness, your recounting of stories about your work community and your quad opened our eyes to what it looks like to live as an authentic disciple... You’ve helped us to see how our community can be improved, how we can honestly pray and reflect together, that we can be vulnerable with each other. The mission reminded us that God wants to heal his people and we need to get out of the way, learn to trust Him and He will act. You have the unique opportunity as Elevated Parish Missions to actually form teams within parishes! That is a beautiful gift to the Church. Our community will be forever blessed by your work here."
St. Lawrence O’Toole, Parishioner | Brewster, NY

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